Friday, March 28, 2014

When love is magic and real

Love is magical, but it is also real. The magic can come first, for some it comes a little bit later, and yet for others it comes in between moments when there is a struggle between disillusionment and hope. I used to believe love was simply a magic not everybody is able to experience, but having undergone so many changes in my life lately, I am starting to believe that love is free for everybody. It is not a happy-ever-after story in some fairy tale books. Well, it is, like I said first is magic. But it is also real. Cinderella and her prince got married, lived to have children, struggled with domestic problems like who to look after the kids when nanny is sick. Love is real in a sense that people are real. We all have emotions, we all have fears and doubts, we all have insecurities. But I guess, by nature, love indeed, is magical. And it is this same magic that will keep the lovers glued on the reality of pain and suffering, of hope and aspirations, of life and even death. Only its kind of magic can sustain the one that believes in what love truly is.

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